
Style nummer: ARNIAXIO
Farve: Black
Dedicated to the most exigent users, the AXIO is the high-end beacon of the ARVA range. Thanks to the “SPHERIC SEARCH TECHNOLOGY”, the 60 meters bandwidth AXIO is the only beacon on the market processing an entire spherical search with 3 antennas working simultaneously. The 3rd antenna can be deployed to create a real landmark built by the 3 antennas of the beacon. The “Spheric Search” technology is marking the end of the well know sequence: “big antenna on primary search second antenna on secondary search and 3rd antenna on final search”. Now with the AXIO all 3 antennas are working simultaneously for a faster and smarter route search.
- transceiver: 457 kHz, international frequency
- digital and analog
- simultaneous detection of multiple victims with creation of scrollable list
- marking function (3 or 5m) for multiple victims situations
- group check
- motion detector for automatic switch to transmit mode
- dynamic interference management
- operating time: 250+ hours
- power supply: 3 AAA/ LR03 alkaline batteries
- frequence meter
- multiple burried indication
- U-turn alarm
- updatable
- 3D isotech technology
Black / ONESIZE | 3700507907266 |
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